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Research indicates that access to high-quality policy materials, sample documents, and training programs helps foundation executives and trustees take voluntary action towards increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion. D5 is helping the field identify exemplary policies and practices and develop a more coordinated approach to making them available. Through our efforts, D5 is promoting greater intentionality and voluntary action among foundations so that diversity, equity, and inclusion are no longer seen as “extras” but as part of the core work of philanthropy.

Our priorities:

Develop policies and practices to support diverse foundations and ensure that high-quality educational resources related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and  are more readily accessible to foundations across the sector.
Sustain voluntary action on diversity, equity, and inclusion by growing the coalition into a network of philanthropy infrastructure organizations and grantmakers committed to and capable of growing diversity in philanthropy.

In this section:


JustPartners, Inc. Policies, Practices & Programs Scan

This analysis of policies, practices, and programs that advance DEI is the result of a comprehensive scan of hundreds of written and web-based resources from philanthropy and the field of organizational effectiveness. Commissioned by D5 and conducted by JustPartners, Inc., the scan identifies key elements critical to advancing DEI, as well as many “on-ramps” to help organizations take the first steps toward becoming more diverse, inclusive, and equitable.  Click here to see the report.

DEI Programs

D5 offers a range of programming that presents research and resources to grantmakers as a way to help them apply lessons learned to their own efforts to advance DEI.

  • Webinars on D5-sponsored research and initiatives.
    In 2014, D5 offered two series of webinars that highlighted research conducted by Philanthropy Northwest, Forward Change, OMG Center for Collaborative Learning, and the work of the Foundation Center and others on data collection. Public Interest Projects, now known as NEO, and the Forum of Regional Association of Grantmakers were partners in these respective series.
  • Workshops on Effective Communication to Advance DEI. 
    Communications workshops have been offered in partnership with Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, Philanthropy New York, and Association Grant Makers (Boston).
  • Conference sessions.
    Since 2012, D5 has presented its work and that of its partners at more than three dozen conferences and convenings. These venues have allowed D5 to share research findings and new resources, highlight the work of a range of partners, and build the network of foundations committed to advancing DEI in the sector.

If your organization is interested in hosting a D5 in-person workshop, program or webinar, contact us at

The Take 5 Campaign

Take5The Take 5 Campaign mobilizes champions of diversity, equity, and inclusion to build support for the movement among their peers. By the end of 2015, 100 champions will pledge to take 5 actions to help advance DEI in the field of philanthropy, thereby expanding the movement of foundations committed to advancing DEI. Click here to learn more.

See our work: