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Will You Join Us?


Never before have so many organizations come together to improve philanthropy’s work on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Already working to make this sector a more diverse place? If you think you are part of what D5 is doing, then you are. We want to build a “coalition of the willing” and want you to join the movement–whether you represent a foundation, philanthropy organization or individual practitioner.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

Commit. Become a champion to advance DEI by joining the Take 5 campaign and committing to taking 5 actions to advance DEI in the field of philanthropy.

Learn. Explore our tools and resources to find ways to address diversity policies and practices at your organization, and tell us about others.

Connect. Share your good work and connect with other foundations, organizations, and individuals across the country. Link to our siteTell us your news. Attend a national or local convening in your area related to diversity, equity, and inclusion issues.

Build the DEI work in your region with D5 support.