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Tag Archives: policies and practices

Sample Diversity Statements and Policies

This tool by Donors Forum of Chicago provides examples of diversity statements and policies from foundations and organizations.

A Screening Tool for Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking

This tool developed by the Disability Funders Network poses a series of questions for funders to ask in order to determine whether an organization is supportive and inclusive of people with disabilities.

Race, Culture, Power, and Inclusion in Foundations

This 2006 report, sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation,  provides an overview of practices in philanthropy for taking on the tough issues around race and equity related to both internal dynamics and external grantmaking.    

Lessons Learned in Addressing Racial Equity in Foundations

This 2009 paper emerges out of a partnership between the Diversity in Philanthropy Project and the Race & Equity in Philanthropy Group.  It captures the lessons learned by REPG member foundations through their recent attempts to enhance their capacity to improve communities of color.  

Profiles in Foundation Giving 2

This 2008 report is the second in a series from the Race & Equity in Philanthropy Group in collaboration with Marga Inc. It contains the plans and attempts of four member foundations to code, define, measure, and promote grantee diversity as well as their support to organizations led by people of color and to communities […]