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Tag Archives: policies and practices

Profiles in Foundation Giving to Communities of Color

In 2007, The Race & Equity in Philanthropy Group, in collaboration with Marga Inc., created this report to highlight the need for greater dialogue and enhance practices around race and equity in the broader field of philanthropy.

Recoloring the Community Foundation Landscape

This 2012 blogpost by David Maurrasse provides examples of approaches community foundations have explored to increase their capacity to engage communities of color.    

Do Nothing About Me Without Me: An Action Guide for Engaging Stakeholders

This 2010 action guide by Grantmakers for Effective Organizations and the Interaction Institute for Social Change defines stakeholder engagement as it applies to the work of grantmakers as engaging grantees and other relevant stakeholders in strategy, development and grantmaking practices. This guide provides grantmakers with a variety of options for engaging stakeholders and creating positive […]

Funding for Inclusion: Women and Girls in the Equation

This 2012 guide from GrantCraft draws on the experience of foundations in 15 European countries on reaching and including women and girls in programs, and mainstreaming gender in projects and operations.  

Racial Equity Resource Guide

This resource guide by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has been prepared as a shared tool for building a community of connected, informed and engaged practitioners. It provides practical resources that will assist those community-based organizations engaged in the fields of healing, equity and inclusion, diversity and the elimination of structural racism.