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Tag Archives: policies and practices

Widespread Empathy: 5 Steps to Achieving Greater Impact in Philanthropy

This 2011 report by Grantmakers for Effective Organizations makes the case that having an organizational commitment to widespread empathy allows grantmakers to base their decisions on an authentic, firsthand understanding of the perspectives of grantees, community members and other stakeholders

Foundation Investment Management Practices: Thoughts of Alpha and Access for the Field

This 2012 report by the Association of Black Foundation Executives provides an assessment of the barriers preventing minority money managers from working in philanthropy and recommendations to the field.  

Cultures of Giving: Energizing and Expanding Philanthropy By and For Communities of Color

This 2012 report provides an overview of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Cultures of Giving grantmaking strategy to build the field of identity-based philanthropy through capacity building, network building, and donor engagement and offers lessons learned, including the importance of trust and transparency.  

Diversity, Inclusion and Effective Philanthropy

This 2012 guide is part of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors’ Philanthropy Roadmap Series and makes the case that adopting a lens of diversity, equity and inclusion in one’s philanthropy is a critical element of an effective giving strategy. These guides are meant for individual donor and small family foundations  

Working Towards Diversity IV

This 2011 research study from the Minnesota Council on Foundations presents data that portrays a comprehensive picture of demographics, policies and practices on diversity and inclusion of Minnesota grantmakers. This project updates past work on this topic, while also placing Minnesota  within the context of recent research on diversity in philanthropy conducted in other states […]