This 2012 publication by Funders for LGBTQ Issues provides a historical overview of United States-based foundation funding. It provides review and analysis of grantmaking for LGBTQ issues from 1970 to 2010 and captures some of the highlights of grantmakers who have helped shape the first 40 years of LGBTQ grantmaking.
This tool by Donors Forum of Chicago provides examples of diversity statements and policies from foundations and organizations.
This 2011 case study is the fifth in a series of Diversity in Philanthropy Project (DPP) case studies that explore opportunities to achieve greater diversity and effectiveness in philanthropic governance and grantmaking. This study provides a useful research tool for funders embarking on the practice of evaluation with a diversity lens (EDL). EDL is an […]
This tool developed by the Disability Funders Network poses a series of questions for funders to ask in order to determine whether an organization is supportive and inclusive of people with disabilities.
This 2011 report by the D5 Coalition, the first report in an annual series, is designed to guide D5’s work and measure its progress over the next five years. It begins to illuminate where U.S. the philanthropic sector is on a number of fronts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including board and staff composition; […]