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Growing Opportunities: Will Funding Follow the Rise in Foundation Assets and Growth of AAPI Populations?

This 2007 report by the Asian Americans/ Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy provides data and analysis on funding in the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities in the United States. The report includes the amount of funding to community issues, who gives and receives the funding, the giving patterns that emerge, and how well AAPI […]

Better Together: Research Findings on the Relationship between Racial Justice Organizations and LGBT Communities

This 2010 report by the Applied Research Center, in partnership with the Arcus Foundation, is a result of surveys and interviews with more than 80 organizations and 30 key leaders. It is based on the premise that significant numbers of LGBT people are of color and it focuses on current engagement efforts, perceived barriers, potential […]

Advancing the Mission Toolkit: Tools for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

This 2009 toolkit by the Annie E. Casey Foundation is a collection of tools based on the creation of an internal affinity group named RESPECT. Originally created as an informal place for staff concerned with racial equity to exchange ideas it has evolved to become an integral part of the Foundation’s work in underserved communities. […]

Race, Culture, Power, and Inclusion in Foundations

This 2006 report, sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation,  provides an overview of practices in philanthropy for taking on the tough issues around race and equity related to both internal dynamics and external grantmaking.    

Lessons Learned in Addressing Racial Equity in Foundations

This 2009 paper emerges out of a partnership between the Diversity in Philanthropy Project and the Race & Equity in Philanthropy Group.  It captures the lessons learned by REPG member foundations through their recent attempts to enhance their capacity to improve communities of color.