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Women and Giving

This 2012 guide, by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, as part of the Philanthropy Roadmap Series, addresses specific considerations for women donors as they approach their philanthropy. This guide is for both established and emerging donors and is meant to help women delve further into the potential growth and fulfillment that can come from giving.    

2012 State of the Work: The Road to Greater Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Philanthropy

This 2012 report by the D5 Coalition, the second in a series, highlights the efforts of philanthropic leaders to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in philanthropy.      

Giving to Indian Country: Trends in Northwest Giving

This 2010 report by Philanthropy Northwest shows there was slight increase in organized giving to Indian Country despite the downturn in the economy and the significant decline overall in giving in the Northwest.  

Working Towards Diversity IV

This 2011 research study from the Minnesota Council on Foundations presents data that portrays a comprehensive picture of demographics, policies and practices on diversity and inclusion of Minnesota grantmakers. This project updates past work on this topic, while also placing Minnesota  within the context of recent research on diversity in philanthropy conducted in other states […]

Tax-supported foundations must reveal diversity data

This 2008 op-ed by John C. Gamboa of the San Jose Mercury News makes arguments in favor of proposed California legislation (AB 624) that called for foundations to collect and report diversity-related data.