In this 2008 article, Adam Meyerson, Executive Director of the Philanthropy Roundtable, expresses opposition to proposed California legislation (AB 624) that called for foundations to collect and publicly disclose diversity-related data on the composition of their staffs and boards of trustees, and percentage of grants awarded to organizations serving diverse communities.
This report presents the proceedings from the first annual Researcher/Practitioner Forum on diversity in philanthropy that took place September 27–28, 2007, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sponsored by the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), the Council on Foundations, and the Foundation Center,the purpose of the Forum was to provide an opportunity […]
This 2008 Noyes News blogpost, contains a re-publication of Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation’s statement of support for AB 624, following the agreement between California legislators and funders that led to the withdrawal of the proposed legislation. The Foundation’s continued dissemination of the statement is intended to support continued dialogue.
This 2010 blogpost written by Rosetta Thurman discusses the Florida law “that prohibits government officials from requiring that foundations disclose the race, religion, gender, income level, sexual orientation, or certain other characteristics of their employees and board members, as well as those of their grant recipients” and the effect of this law on those encouraging […]
This 2010 report prepared by the Foundation Center for Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington uses the most comprehensive database ever assembled on Oregon foundation giving. It examines the extent to which grantmaking by Oregon’s 779 foundations reached the state’s communities of color, providing important baseline data about foundation giving in the context of the […]